lAnyDesk Linux 命令行操作

Install AnyDesk on Fedora 30/29/CentOS 7

Update and Upgrade your system packages.

dnf update
dnf upgrade

Download AnyDesk Binary Installer

To install AnyDesk on Fedora 30/29/CentOS 7, navigate to the Linux AnyDesk installer downloads page and download the RPM binary package for Fedora 30/29/CentOS 7. You can simply use wget to get the binary.


Install AnyDesk

Once the download is done, run the command below to instal AnyDesk.

sudo yum localinstall anydesk_5.1.0-1_amd64.rpm

You can as well install AnyDesk directly once you get the URL as shown below;

yum install
Last metadata expiration check: 0:13:50 ago on Tue 11 Jun 2019 10:13:08 PM EAT.
anydesk_5.1.0-1_amd64.rpm                                                                                              1.4 MB/s | 4.3 MB     00:02    
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                               Architecture                   Version                               Repository                            Size
 anydesk                               x86_64                         5.1.0-1                               @commandline                         4.3 M
Installing dependencies:
 gtkglext-libs                         x86_64                         1.2.0-34.fc30                         fedora                               113 k
 mesa-libGLU                           x86_64                         9.0.0-17.fc30                         fedora                               180 k
 pangox-compat                         x86_64                         0.0.2-14.fc30                         fedora                                60 k

Transaction Summary
Install  4 Packages

Total size: 4.6 M
Total download size: 353 k
Installed size: 13 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y

Once the installation is done, AnyDesk will run by default. You can check the status by executing the command below;

systemctl status anydesk.service 
● anydesk.service - AnyDesk
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/anydesk.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-06-11 22:27:47 EAT; 2min 53s ago
 Main PID: 8999 (anydesk)
    Tasks: 12 (limit: 2352)
   Memory: 15.8M
   CGroup: /system.slice/anydesk.service
           ├─8999 /usr/bin/anydesk --service
           └─9010 /usr/bin/anydesk --tray

Jun 11 22:27:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started AnyDesk.

Once the installation of AnyDesk is done, then you are ready to use it. Just launch it and there you go.

To connect to Fedora 30/29/CentOS 7 desktop using AnyDesk, just launch the AnyDesk on your system and use the 6 digit address for the remote AnyDesk.

As you connect, you should see a connection screen

On Fedora 30/29/CentOS 7, you should accept the session request for you to access the remote desktop.

Once you accept the connection, you should land on the remote system desktop.

If you get the error, remote server display not supported e.g Wayland, try to logout and then choose the X11 or non-Wayland display manager, then login.

That is it on how to install AnyDesk on Fedora 30/29/CentOS 7. Enjoy.

You can also check the links below for similar guides.

How to Install and Use NoMachine Remote Desktop Tool on Ubuntu 18.04

How to Install and Configure Guacamole on Fedora 29

How to Install and Setup Guacamole on Debian 9.8

How to Setup Guacamole Web-based Remote Desktop Access Tool on Ubuntu 18.04

Install and Use Webmin on Fedora 30

Install Ajenti on Debian 9.8






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